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Showing posts with label Siddhant240201. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siddhant240201. Show all posts

16 April 2016

Tomatoes Full Version

Hey,  Did you some reasons the development of Tomatoes game has stopped.  Hence there will be no more updates done in the game Tomatoes. No new API will be included.  Hence, the current version is the final version of the game.  Hope you all have played the game if not what are you waiting for try them out. The Tomatoes is a qite good game game.  It's quite funny and hard. We have made few changes to the game to increase the efficiency.  We really care about efficiency of our games and sites. 

29 March 2016

Jupiter Hadley Bad Boxart Challenge

Hey, I have already told you about the Bad Boxart and Jupiter Hadley. I am posting the video in which our game Chess is featured.


Chess at Jupiter Hadley

Hey,  Jupiter Hadley one of the YouTube channel has posted about playing the game in his challenge.  You can view this video by visiting this link

26 March 2016

Chess published

Our new game Chess is gone be soon on the gamejolt Bad box art challenge page. The game is developed in two days by siddhant240201 alone.  Most of the things in the game are original. I hope you all like the game.  There are some features missing in the game which will be available in version 2. 0

22 March 2016

Bad Box Art Challenge

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Gamejolt , one of our publishers is organizing Bad Boxart Challenge. We are participating in the even and we are going to make a small game in just 2 days for the event. We will use all the original things for the game created by us. We will try to win the top 5 reward of the contest. We will start the development after 2 days. We will keep informing you about the development.

Website Changes

After a long time the editing of the website is finished. Siddhant Verma has made a few changes on the website , you can see them below.

  • Privacy Policy is created by Siddhant Verma and it is now available on the Header
  • Terms and Conditions page is created and it is available on Header
  • Gamejolt and Player links are now on different pages list
  • Now readers and viewers can subscribe via email to get latest updates of the website.
  • The Website layout is modified
  • and few more small changes
Soon, we will modify the website again with few new interesting things.

17 March 2016

Tomatoes on Gamemaker Player

I have a good new folks. Tomatoes is now available on Gamemaker Player.  It is now possible to download Tomatoes from the Gamemaker Player. Gamemaker Player is our second Publisher for games.

Image result for Gamemaker player

Tomatoes Version 2.0.0 cancelled

Hello Friends due to few reasons the release of the Version 2 of the Tomatoes is cancelled.

16 March 2016

Tomatoes version 2. 0. 0

Hey,  I want to inform you all that soon Tomatoes will have function to login using Gamejolt account and you can earn trophies and publish score using Gamejolt Account.  This update of Tomatoes will take place soon and second version of Tomatoes will release soon.  I hope you all like this new function. 

Tomatoes Released

A Platformer game created by Siddhant Verma and Aryan Verma. This game is based upon a tomato who travels to collect crystals. There are lots of enemies in the game which make the game Quite hard. Arcade Mode has 10 levels. The only way to save is by reaching Checkpoint. Be aware of the Enemy Tomatoes. This game is quite fun with few bonuses only. Did you have ability to make your strategy and pass this game. If, Yes what are you waiting for Play the game now. 


Left Arrow Key:   To move left
Right Arrow Key: To move right
Escape: To end the game
Spacebar: To Jump


  • Arcade mode with 10 Levels
  •  2 Bonuses
  • 2 Character looks
  • 6 Enemies
  • 3 Platforms
  • Double Jump available to player
  • Bonuses increase the movement and jump speed


Mirror 1: 

Gamejolt Mirror

15 March 2016

Tomatoes More News

Hey, We have more news about the Tomatoes game. There will be flying enemies, enemies who shoot bullets and many more fun things in the game. This will we quite hard to complete with only 10 level. I am going to upload more sprites and Screenshots of the game.


Official Favicon

I have created a new favicon for the Official Website. It is inspired from the logo. Hope you all like the new favicon. Please post your suggestions.

More about the Tomatoes

Today I am having more news about the game. The Controls of the game will be simple. You can use arrow keys to move around. Space Key will be used for jump. Double Jump feature is already added to the game. Until now we have added only one Powerup and that is Increase Jump Ability. There will be only way platforms in the game and Moving Platforms to. I will add new features to the game soon. Below are the Screenshots of the game.

14 March 2016

Donation Button

Hello Friends, It is now possible for everyone to donate money to the projects of Siddhant240201 easily by just clicking Donations button available at right side of the Screen. Hope you like the new feature. This is also my one of the  Original creations created with the help of Paypal

Official Logo

 Hello Friends, I want to show you my first creations on the Website and that is the Official Logo of  the Website. You can see it below

I hope you all like this logo and my the first creation of the Siddhant240201. We have not spent even a penny in making this logo. This is the Original Logo created by me, Hope you all like it.